Current Priority and Delivery Outcomes


The Council has four overarching priority outcomes: driving sustainable economic growth; keeping vulnerable people safe; helping people help themselves; and making best use of resources in the short and long term. Making best use of resources in the short and long term is the gateway priority through which any activity and accompanying resources must pass.

For each priority outcome there are specific delivery outcomes. These are referenced to performance measures in this Portfolio Plan.


Driving sustainable economic growth - delivery outcomes


1.     East Sussex businesses are supported to recover and grow through the delivery of the Economy Recovery Plan

2.     The county’s employment and productivity rates are maximised

3.     Individuals, communities and businesses thrive in East Sussex with the environmental and social infrastructure to meet their needs

4.     The workforce has and maintains the skills needed for good quality employment to meet the needs of the future East Sussex economy

5.     The value of our role as both a significant employer and a buyer of local goods and services is maximised

6.     All children progress well from early years to school leaver and into education, training and employment


Keeping vulnerable people safe - delivery outcomes


7.     All vulnerable people in East Sussex are known to relevant local agencies and services are delivered together to meet their needs

8.     People feel safe at home

9.     People feel safe with services

10.  We work with the wider health and care system to support people affected by Covid-19 to achieve the best health outcomes possible


Helping people help themselves - delivery outcomes


11.  Commissioners and providers from all sectors put people first when providing services and information to help them meet their needs

12.  The most vulnerable get the support they need to maintain their independence and this is provided at or as close to home as possible

13.  Through our work with others, individuals and communities are encouraged to maintain and develop local mutual support systems


Making best use of resources in the short and long term - delivery outcomes


14.  To help tackle Climate Change East Sussex County Council activities are carbon neutral as soon as possible and in any event by 2050

15.  Working as One Council, both through the processes we use and how we work across services

16.  Delivery through strong and sustained partnership working across the public, voluntary community, and private sectors to ensure that all available resources are used to deliver maximum benefits to local people

17.  Ensuring we achieve value for money in the services we commission and provide

18.  Maximising the funding available through bidding for funding and lobbying for the best deal for East Sussex